Can I freely use the Wurbelizer in my applications?

Yes! The Wurbelizer is Open Source according to the LGPL, the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.

Where do all these funny names come from?

Wurblet, wurbiler, wurbler?
To be honest, it’s just german family slang. Wurbeln is best described as doing things fast and thoroughly. (eine Mischung aus Wuseln und Wirbeln).

The wurbelizer is pretty slim. How come?

The wurbelizer does not re-invent the wheel, but refers to existing solutions. The fact alone that it does not introduce a new template language, but instead uses Java with a few syntax extensions, saves hundreds or even thousands of classes and allows wurblets to use any other existing Java code. Furthermore, using Maven as a container to compile and execute the wurblets helps to reduce the amount of code even more.

What's the difference between wurblets and doclets?

Although at first glance a wurblet-anchor looks pretty much like a javadoc extension, wurblets have nothing in common with doclets. The main difference lies in the fact that a wurblet modifies the code of the same source file it is anchored within. As opposed to doclets, wurblets have full access to the source level by means of the wurblet container and therefore are able to modify the source code.

What's the difference between wurblet-anchors and annotations?

As with doclets, annotations cannot modify the source code. However, annotations can be combined with wurblets in a very effective manner! For example, a certain annotation triggers the analysis of a method’s signature and a wurblet later picks up this information to generate some code. The Tentackle framework is using this trick.