Further Reading

Further Reading QuickstartPrerequisites The first wurblet Generate Code Further Reading A more elaborate version of the DTO wurblet can be found in the Tentackle wurblets. Simply replace the wurblet dependency and the wurblet path in the pom.xml of the sample project:...

Generate Code

Generate Code QuickstartPrerequisites The first wurblet Generate Code Further Reading In the parent pom remove the comment tags around the submodule sample. Then create a subdirectory with the name sample. In this directory create a pom.xml with the following...

The first wurblet

The first wurblet QuickstartPrerequisites The first wurblet Generate Code Further Reading Create a subdirectory with the name wurblets and in this directory create another pom.xml with the following contents: 4.0.0 com.example wurbelizer-tutorial 1.0-SNAPSHOT...


Prerequisites QuickstartPrerequisites The first wurblet Generate Code Further Reading This tutorial requires at least JDK 11 and Maven 3.6.0. Please verify with mvn –version. For example: harald@gandalf:~[513] mvn –version Apache Maven 3.6.3...