The first wurblet

Create a subdirectory with the name wurblets and in this directory create another pom.xml with the following contents:






The execution goal wurbile translates the wurblet source code to compilable Java and a resource file holding strings.

The wurbelizer can load and execute any Java class that implements the interface org.wurbelizer.wurblet.Wurblet.

The dependency above not only provides this interface but also 2 abstract classes to make the developer’s life easier:

  • org.wurbelizer.wurblet.AbstractWurblet that implements org.wurbelizer.wurblet.Wurblet
  • org.wurbelizer.wurblet.AbstractJavaWurblet that extends org.wurbelizer.wurblet.AbstractWurblet

To define the properties of the DTO we need some model which can be parsed by the wurblet. For this tutorial we’re using a very simple format with one line per property consisting of:

  • the Java type, e.g. String
  • the property’s name
  • some optional comment

In src/main/java/com/example/wurblets please create file with the following content:

package com.example.wurblets;

import org.wurbelizer.wurbel.WurbelException;
import org.wurbelizer.wurbel.WurbelHelper;
import org.wurbelizer.wurblet.AbstractJavaWurblet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

 * Base class for the {@code @DTO}-wurblet.
public class DTOWurblet extends AbstractJavaWurblet {

   * DTO property.
  protected class Property {

    private final String type;                // the java type
    private final String name;                // the property name
    private final String comment;             // the comment

    public Property(String type, String name, String comment) {
      this.type = type; = name;
      this.comment = comment == null || comment.isEmpty() ? "the " + name + " property" : comment.trim();

    public String getType() {
      return type;

    public String getName() {
      return name;

    public String getComment() {
      return comment;

    public String getGetterName() {
      return ("boolean".equals(type) ? "is" : "get") + firstToUpper(name);

  protected String filename;            // filename of the here-doc holding the model
  protected List<Property> properties;  // the DTO properties

  public void run() throws WurbelException {;

    if (getContainer().getArgs().length == 0) {
      throw new WurbelException("usage: @wurblet <guardname> DTO <filename>");
    filename = getContainer().getArgs()[0];

    properties = new ArrayList<>();

    try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(WurbelHelper.openReader(filename))) {
      String line;
      while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        line = line.trim();
        if (!line.isEmpty() && !line.startsWith("#")) {
          StringTokenizer stok = new StringTokenizer(line);
          String type = null;
          String name = null;
          StringBuilder comment = new StringBuilder();
          while (stok.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String token = stok.nextToken();
            if (type == null) {
              type = token;
            else if (name == null) {
              name = token;
            else {
              if (comment.length() > 0) {
                comment.append(' ');
          if (type == null || name == null) {
            throw new WurbelException("property line too short: '" + line + "'");
          properties.add(new Property(type, name, comment.toString()));

      // validate
      for (Property property : properties) {
        if (property.getType().isEmpty()) {
          throw new WurbelException("missing property type");
        if (property.getName().isEmpty()) {
          throw new WurbelException("missing property name");
    catch (IOException ex) {
      throw new WurbelException("reading model " + filename + " failed", ex);

  private String firstToUpper(String str) {
    return str.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);

Next, in src/main/wurblets/com/example/wurblets create the file DTO.wrbl with the following content:

@{package com.example.wurblets}@
@{import java.util.*}@
@{import org.wurbelizer.wurbel.*}@
@{import org.wurbelizer.wurblet.*}@
@{import org.wurbelizer.misc.*}@
@{extends DTOWurblet}@
Creates code for a data transfer object.
  private void wurbel() throws WurbelException {

    // create declarations
    for (Property property: properties) {
  private final @(property.getType())@ @(property.getName())@;  // @(property.getComment())@

    // create constructor

   * Creates a @(getClassName())@.
    StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder();
    for (Property property: properties) {
      if (args.length() > 0) {
        args.append(", ");
      args.append(property.getType()).append(' ').append(property.getName());
   * \@param @(property.getName())@ @(property.getComment())@
  public @(getClassName())@(@(args)@) {
    for (Property property: properties) {
    this.@(property.getName())@ = @(property.getName())@;

    // create getter
    for (Property property: properties) {

   * Gets @(property.getComment())@.
   * \@return @(property.getComment())@
  public @(property.getType())@ @(property.getGetterName())@() {
    return @(property.getName())@;

As already mentioned in the introduction the wurbelizer’s template language is Java with a few syntax extensions. The extensions are necessary to separate the template level from the generated code level:

  • @[ to switch to template level
  • ]@ to switch to code level
  • @(...)@ to extract a value from the template level (within code level)

The other lines at the beginning of the wurblet source are pretty self-explaining. Notice that the wurblet extends DTOWurblet.

Execute mvn clean install in the parent directory. This will invoke the wurbiler (wurblet compiler), compile the Java code and create a jar file.

In the next chapter we will use the wurblet to generate code for a DTO.