All Classes and Interfaces
Base class of wurbelizer mojos.
Base class for the wurbel mojos.
Scans the sources for @wurblet anchors and executes the wurblets.
Scans the sources for @wurblet anchors and executes the wurblets.
A custom configurator for the
.Display help information on wurbelizer-maven-plugin.
mvn wurbelizer:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name>
to display parameter details.The maven logger wrapper.
Wurbel test sources.
Scans the test sources for @wurblet anchors and executes the wurblets.
Scans the test sources for @wurblet anchors and executes the wurblets.
Wurblet execution filter.
Wurbel sources.
Scans the sources for @wurblet anchors and executes the wurblets.
Scans the sources for @wurblet anchors and executes the wurblets.
Wurbile Wurblets.
The wurblet sources (wrbl-files) are translated to Java-sources and ser-files (serialized fixed text) and then compiled to Java class files.
Those class files can later be instantiated as code generators by the Wurbler.
See the wurbelizer:wurbel goal.
The wurblet sources (wrbl-files) are translated to Java-sources and ser-files (serialized fixed text) and then compiled to Java class files.
Those class files can later be instantiated as code generators by the Wurbler.
See the wurbelizer:wurbel goal.
Resource the wurblets depend on.